Dr Dan's Vocal Warm-ups
& Cool-downs
Digital Tracks (mp3) Only
*Included in Dr Dan’s Singer’s Starting Guide (Beginner)
Singing Warm-ups are a must for any singer who is serious about the health of their voice and the quality of their vocal performance. A quality Singing warm-up will prepare the vocal muscles and ligaments for agile and responsive singing.
And when combined with an excellent vocal cool down, the singer's voice will repair quicker after use, making it ready for the next vocal load.
Singing Warm-ups help increase blood flow to the vocal folds
A well-prepared voice has better range and pitch accuracy
Singing Warm-ups improve vocal tone and assist in developing stamina
Singer's who warm up report greater ease and agility with their voice.
…and it just feels better to sing after a quality Singing Warm-up!